Hi Guys,
Thanks for the comments and questions, mostly though thanks for the dedication to take the time reading through our (long!) thread…
Here’s some quick responses…
Originally Posted by
The Adam Blaster 
A couple questions that haven’t been answered as far as I can tell:
How old are your kids, and do you have any concerns with travelling for such an extended (think you mentioned 2 years???) period of time with them?
Kurt is 3yrs old. He loves “dadda’s big white truck” and has been a big help ‘testing’ various design elements.

Maya is 16 months old, and well… let’s just call her a ‘good eater’:

We’ve never taken a trip this long with the kids yet, so yes we have concerns. But we’re also very excited, and are trying to address as many of the issues and concerns as possible. One of the good resources we’ve found is the Yahoo group: Families On The Road (
Originally Posted by
The Adam Blaster
What areas of the world are you planning on travelling to/through on your journey?
ummm…. all of it!? You can check out our route plans as they develop on the Route section of
Originally Posted by
The Adam Blaster
Will you be selling the vehicle after the trip? — dibs on the rig as being the first one to ask!

Ha Ha!! We’ll keep you in mind! Though, as a quicker solution, if you are interested in doing development work to help the communities that you visit, then you can buy your own EcoRoamer on a non-profit basis. We’ve decided to offer the plans / documents for free to anyone who is interested (they’re posted on our site) and through our foundation (
The Muskoka Foundation) we are planning on producing ready-to-roll EcoRoamers at-cost for anyone willing to help us make a difference. It’s a great way to get a great vehicle, save a lot of cash compared to buying a for-profit off-the-shelf expedition vehicle, and help to make the world we live in a little bit better.
Originally Posted by
The Adam Blaster
…regarding the rear “balcony” you have been designing…
From everything you have said about it, the big “door” will only fold to a horizontal position.
I was looking at that and thought maybe you might like to have it lower all the way to the ground for loading purposes? It might be a better option over loading everything through the man door on the side?
Nice idea… The rear wall is actually just bolted in place, so the whole thing can be removed as one subsection, allowing easy access for the cabinets, appliances, etc.
In the future if we ever have to take something out / in, then we can just pull that wall off again.
I like the thought about the ramp door, but the angle would be much too steep. Once the ramp is on there I’ll post some pics and you’ll see what I mean.
Originally Posted by
Just finished reading the whole thread. Fantastic project. I love your ‘open-source’ approach to this project. Thanks, I’ve taken a lot of notes. We started a
CAD Library on our off-road website a few years ago with the same idea; it’s a shame to see good ideas and designs only used once.
JG: Thanks for your comment. I took a look at your site, some nice projects.
I read your post over on the Libby thread. Unlike Jack, I don’t make my living doing this (though to be fair, I don’t have nearly the experience he has) – so I’ll be happy to share whatever I know. PM me with any specific questions, and I’ll try to help.
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