
Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.

Originally Posted by pygmyowl

Seems to be some delusion here – using precious fossil fuels (ie, diesel) to burn your human waste, and then touting this as one of your “Eco Components”, when you could simply go to an RV dump and get it treated properly – I must be missing something – even overseas, in most places if you put forth the effort you can dispose of your waste an a proper treatment facility.

Maybe Scott or one of the other ‘experienced’ travellers could let me know the GPS coordinates for the best KOA RV parks and dumping stations in the Sahara or Serenghetti!


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